
If you'd like to help fund Wise Owl's conversion of tea and biscuits into quality training videos you can click this link Using Microsoft office 2010. Cannot locate Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0. Right clicked on tool box but am unable to see that control add on. Where can I go to get it. Thanks in advance. Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library OLE Automation Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library Missing: Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6) If schedule and time permits I will post back during the week, but looks like not until this weekend. Thanks for the help.

Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Sp6 Excel 2013 Download

Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Sp6 Excel 2013 Download Utorrent

Hi guys,
I've a problem with MSCOMCT2.OCX or Month view in VBA. It dosen't appear in Additional controls.
My computer works with Win 10 x64 and Office 2016.
I can't download MSCOMCT2 from microsoft site. I don't know which is the problem but on the microfost site appear Access Denied...
So I've copied from another CPU the file MSCOMCT2.OCX and I've put it in the folder:
Then in prompt command I've wrote:
regsvr32 C:WindowsSysWOW64MSCOMCT2.ocx <enter>
Initially there an error code 0x8002801c and the install has failed. Then I've made a .bat file with regsvr32 C:WindowsSysWOW64MSCOMCT2.ocx and I've run it as administrator rights.
Apparently the install has accomplished with successfully, indeed in VBA -> Tools -> Reference I can check Microsoft control 6.0 but in TOOLBOX -> Additional controls, Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 (SP6) doesn't exist.
Do I miss in something's? Where I make a mistake?